Novena of Masses to the Blessed Ulma Family
The Ulma family from Markowa, Poland was beatified last September 10, 2023 – all 9 of them. Executed by the Nazis for hiding the Goldman family and two other Jewish friends. The whole household was executed – all 17 of them. The Ulma family was beatified – 2 adults and 7 children including their unborn child.
The Legionaries are offering an enrollment in a Novena of Masses to the Blessed Ulma Family beginning June 28 and ending July 6.
Their Feast Day is July 7, the wedding anniversary of the parents – Josef and Wiktoria.
Below is the secure Legionaries of Christ Detroit Qgiv credit card processing link.
In the Comments field, please type the intention and name of the person enrolled in the Novena of Masses
Suggested Donation $60