5:00 pm
12:00 pm
Inner Healing Retreat for Men & Women
5:30 pm
12:00 pm
Women’s 5-Day Retreat
5:30 pm
12:45 pm
Women’s Spring Retreat

Silent Retreats for Women and Men
The silent retreats are based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Following the original format of the Ignatian retreat, Spiritual Exercises take you through a profound experience of getting to know Christ. You will see him with new eyes through a fresh reading of the Scriptures and a golden silence that weeds out distractions to help you discern God’s voice in your soul.
Note: You must be at least 18 years of age to attend a retreat.
What is included in the retreat?
- Daily Mass
- Directed meditations
- Spiritual guidance
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- Practical talks
- Eucharistic Adoration
Inner Healing Retreat
What is inner healing? Why do Christians need it? How do we become aware of what holds us down in any way by the hurts of the past? Fr. Jason Brooks, LC, along with teams of trained prayer ministers in cooperation with the Holy Spirit, will answer those questions and offer their experience, strength, and hope regarding the power of inner healing ministry of Jesus to restore the broken-hearted and set the captives free.
What is included in the retreat?
- Meditation on inner healing
- Witnesses of God’s healing power
- Personal healing prayer sessions
- Praise and Worship Adoration
- Confession
- Daily Mass

Marriage Retreats
Marriage retreats are designed to be quiet and reflective times for couples to focus on God, each other, prayer, and spiritual growth. This retreat is based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius with opportunities for reflections on marriage led by the Legionary of Christ Fathers, private spiritual dialogue with your spouse, time for each couple to reflect, and the renewal of wedding vows. The program is designed to give couples concrete tools to help deepen their understanding of themselves and their relationship, and the opportunity to have conversations that help a marriage flourish.
Young Adult Retreats
One-day retreats are offered throughout the year for high school students and during college breaks for older young adults. They include meditations, adoration, personal prayer, confession, and Mass.